Thursday, 12 April 2018


My easter was fantastic. The very first thing I did in the morning was to go to the Easter Sunday Mass.

After that it was my family’s job to be the Easter bunny to deliver some Easter eggs to a few children and adults.The first place I went to was my cousin’s house. Just before we were about to go, they
asked my brother and I if we wanted to have an egg hunt. You can guess what we said. That's right. We said “Yes!” My mum said to my brother and I: “We should all get the same amount of Easter eggs.”

When we were on the egg hunt, my cousin’s little girl and I thought the chickens at the house laid the eggs and then we went to find the eggs. We found all forty eggs. Then we left to go to my dad’s friends house. We were there for hours.

Eventually we went to my mum and dad’s friend’s house. When we got there I went to the front door and knocked but nobody came. I knocked again but no came. I knocked three times nobody came.
This time my dad said that he was going to phone them. When he was done on the phone, he said they were at the park. so we waited for them to come back. We had another egg hunt. It was the funnest in the world.

I really enjoyed myself and had a great Easter I can’t wait for next year’s Easter.

Wednesday, 11 April 2018

Acrostic poem and my self portrait.

This is my portrait and acrostic poem that my class and I made for our first assembly for the term. I really enjoyed drawing all the pictures in my portrait and writing my acrostic poem. I especially enjoyed making an acrostic poem based on me.